You need people to be able to find you,
see you, know what you do
and to come back to buy from you… and then you simply rinse and repeat.
Audience building today, makes selling so much easier tomorrow.
You get THREE bootcamps to accelerate your audience growth.
Visibility, SEO, and Email: the top three organic tools for audience building and traffic generation.
Like tea and biscuits, they are great individually, but put them together and they are MWAH! - the chefs kiss!

This isn't a training course, this is BOOTCAMP!
Meaning you are following instructions, following each step to the letter...
If this was a fitness bootcamp you'd be lifting truck tyres and climbing trees. Ok, maybe not climbing trees, I haven't actually joined a fitness bootcamp and thinking about it, maybe I'm getting the tyre lifting confused with 'The World's Strongest Man'.
Fitness isn't my thing, marketing is.
Which means you won't lose pounds on on Audience Accelerator Bootcamps but your business will get a workout as you are getting busy doing all the things you need to do to build up your adoring audience.
If no-one is seeing you, no-one is buying from you.

Bootcamp 1
Visibility Action Plan
15 steps to get you out there,
being seen and noticed!
You'll have people falling in love with your business.
It's all about creating good habits that keep on working for you.
Let's ramp up your visibility today

Bootcamp 2
SEO Game Plan
15 steps to help your audience find you when they need you!
That's when they actually need what you do and put their hand in their pocket.
Being 'findable' and 'discoverable' never stops working for you.
Power up search to boost your sales.

Bootcamp 3
Email Master Plan
15 steps to get email marketing working for you. Meaning your customers remember you and come back to buy from you over and over.
This is all about turning browsers into buyers and then into loyal, returning customers.
Add rocket fuel to your marketing.

Hi, I'm Nicola,
I've been working with creative and ecommerce business owners for over 11 years, and I know it isn't your craft or products that impacts on your business success, it's your audience - assuming you've got the mechanics of your listings and store all working!
If you don't have the right people seeing your products and services then you aren't going to make sales- no matter how much work you put into making your products and services perfect!
Now it's time to give the same attention to your audience.
These are the people who are going to love and appreciate all the effort and work you put into your products.
This is how you reap the rewards for all your hard work so far. If there is one magic ingredient in marketing - it's being seen!
I'm here, because I want to ramp up your audience building... because I know it's something you can improve on and that will get you to where you want to be with your business
Time spent audience building now, creating good habits, will make everything more fruitful and easier. Take the time to plant the seeds, to nurture them and you'll harvest the rewards in no time at all.
Growing Audience = Growing Sales!
Much love, Nicola x
But why is audience so important?
Because selling is a numbers game.
And sales mean customers and profits.
Let's get really serious for a second...
Every business has an average conversion rate... it's the number of sales you can expect from a specific number of customer interactions (an interaction could be messages, page visits, calls... it varies depending on how the business does business.)
You calculate your conversion rate by taking the number of sales and dividing that by the number of people who saw your product page/s, in a specific time period.
If you've had 10 sales from 200 customer interactions in the last month, your conversion rate would be 5%, since 10 ÷ 200 = 0.05 x100 = 5%
Therefore, if you want more sales, increase your audience, which increases the number of customer interactions, which increases your sales. It's simple maths.
Increase customer interactions to 300, and you'd expect 15 sales at 5%. (300*5%=15)
Increase customer interactions to 600, and you'd expect 30 sales at 5%. (600*5%=30)
There is no limit... but it only happens if you grow your audience and traffic.
Now, yes there are things you can do to improve your conversion rate, and while we'll naturally touch on some of those during the boot camp, that's just a happy bonus.
Right now the priority is to increase your audience which will have the knock on effect of increasing your sales.
It's ALL about your audience and being seen!
I'm Ready To Get Started
Increase your visibility
- 15 easy to follow practical tasks to boost your visibility & engagement.
The amount of time you need for each task will vary, some will take ten minutes others longer.
You do need to prioritise the time to complete the tasks to see the benefits. - Bonus: There are tasks you'll be able to rinse and repeat, meaning you'll easily be able to keep giving your visibility a boost whenever you need it!
- Tasks are available on a checklist, and you'll have simple video class and instructions to guide you too.

Improve your search results
- 15 straightforward tasks to complete to rejuvenate your SEO (whatever platform you use!)
The amount of time you need for each task will vary, some will take ten minutes others longer.
You do need to prioritise the time to complete the tasks to see the benefits. - Bonus: Once you complete the 15 steps you'll have assets that will keep on working for you long into the future.
- Tasks are available on a checklist, and you'll have simple video instructions to guide you as well.

Up-level your email marketing
- 15 effective tasks to complete which will revolutionise your email marketing
The amount of time you need for each task will vary, some will take ten minutes others longer.
You do need to prioritise the time to complete the tasks to see the benefits. - Bonus: Once you complete these steps you'll have found your email writing mojo and be building your email list.
- Tasks are available on a checklist, and you'll have simple video instructions to guide you as well.
>>> Does your audience need to grow?
If you want to make MORE sales, yes!
Whatever stage you are at in your business, being seen by more people will mean more sales. Of course they need to be the right people, not just any people, but I hope you know that already.
>>> Do you really need all three bootcamps?
If you want to have a rounded, powerhouse system, yes!
Together these three bootcamps are the trifecta of Audience Building.
Covering everything from being seen, to being found, to bringing people back to your world.
>>> Do you need to follow all 15 steps for each bootcamp?
If you want these tried and tested methods to work for you, yes
And you need to keep doing the work, and building on your good habits too! This is just the beginning!
What you actually get:
Each boot camp will consist of:
- 15 guided tasks - and you committing to completing ALL tasks.
This is committed action taking.
Remember tyre lifting and climbing trees... on a fitness bootcamp you don't ask why, you just do your best, knowing that it is good for you. (Even when you don't enjoy the task!) - Checklists and worksheets - so you can do the right tasks for you and your business.
You've probably heard me say before that there isn't a one size fits all approach to marketing, so you don't have to do ALL tasks, I just wanted to make sure I had your attention! I've designed the boot camp worksheets and checklists to help you know exactly which tasks are right for your business.
I won't be barking orders at you, that's not my style, but by signing up to these boot camps, know you are expected to do the work.
Think of me, Nicola, as your friendly, supportive, sergeant major pushing you to your limits.
I know life can happen but this is business.
It's putting all the things in place that you need to build and grow your audience to increase your sales.
It's taking action and doing.
Truthfully, it will probably be the tasks you are putting off, the things you don't want to do, even though you know it's good for you that make the difference - which is why this is a boot camp!
Those tasks, they need doing, and NOW is the time.
Get Started Accelerating Your Audience (and Traffic) Growth Today
Oh I need this. Let me in!IMPORTANT:
You are buying recordings of live bootcamps.
Live these bootcamps are more than three times the price, each.
By purchasing the replays, you will need to commit to doing the work in your own time. It's like following the replay at home fitness session with Joe Wickes instead of joining live.
Results disclaimer: your results from these bootcamps are not guaranteed. I really wish I could, but I don't have a magic ball. All I can say is that you will be applying tried and tested methods to your business by taking action, and positive actions have positive consequences. However doing the work isn't always enough, it's also about how you do the work, and while I'm here to help you every step of the way, that is down to you ultimately.