You've saved your spot!

There are just a few things left for you to do:

1. Put the 31st January in your diary! 
2. Join the Facebook group
3. Keep an eye on your inbox

Do you have a friend who would benefit from the challenge?
f so, please share the registration page with them so you have an accountability buddy.

"Nicola has a depth of understanding of how to market a handmade business that only comes from years of hands on experience. Her delivery is enthusiastic and professional and in just one session you will leave empowered to make changes and improvements to your business with a long 'to do' list! Definitely recommend for creative small businesses just starting out or for more seasoned sellers looking to change up a gear."

Dotty, The British Craft House

Thanks for connecting!


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Joining Flow has changed my life. For the first time, I’m finding it easy to practice balanced, healthy habits on a daily basis.

John Moon