Make More® Money Calculator: Free

Don't Just Sell More! 
Identify Your Optimal Selling Price... Then Sell More!


This Profitable Pricing Strategy Will Skyrocket

Your Average Order Value (AOV) and LifeTime Customer Value (LTV)...

Claim your FREE Profitable Product Pricing Calculator today.

It won't cost you a penny...

But used correctly it could help you make £££!


It's goodbye to under and over pricing and hello profitable product pricing - with competitive prices designed to appeal to customers.


Download today and start to Make More®!

Be confident that your prices are both competitive and profitable with this FREE Product Pricing Calculator. 

It's GOODBYE to under & over pricing and HELLO to a healthy & happy piggy bank!


This is so good, I've been told I'm crazy to give it away!

In fact, when Accountant Jenny B saw it she said, "This calculator is excellent. It's better than some paid programmes worth < £100!"

You're getting a suite of tools to make your business more profitable.

It's time to stop leaving money on the table.

Download our calculator today and start making more money from your business.

Who am I? 

Hi, I’m Nicola Smith, a Business Mentor and Strategist for Creative Entrepreneurs.  I help creatives in business make more from their business so they can live a happy creative life without financial worry.


I've been either running my own creative business or helping others make a success of their business, for over 20 years now. Yes! Time really does fly when you love what you do!


Marketing is my sweet spot and passion. There are so many marketing opportunities available right now. There really is something for everyone. Remember, there isn't just one route to success!  And you don't need to do everything, thankfully, because that would be exhausting! 


I'm all about handcrafting the best marketing strategy for your business - one you love and which brings you in the sales you deserve, at a price which is profitable!


There's never been a better time to be a Creative Entrepreneur!

See you soon,